About John

Hello Everyone!

My Name is John Gavalik.  You don't know me of course, because I am just an average everyday joe, just like yourself.  I have been in the online marketing scene for around five years now.  In this small amount of time I was able to change my life.  Let's get into a little back story! I graduated High School in 2003 and soon found myself in College at Slippery Rock University, studying in the field of Information Technology.  Short version is that I ended up dropping out and pursued a career in the medical field.  Pre-Hospital care ran my life for a good 7 years.  I honestly loved the job, and I loved the people I worked with.  However, I was sick of "working" for someone else, grinding long hours for mediocre pay.  I am very intelligent when it comes to all things computers.  I'm fluent in most computer languages such as Basic, Java, Flash, etc.  Thus, doing what I love to do, Creative Web Solutions was born. Handling: Web Design, Web Development, Database Management, Forum Creation, and Internet Marketing.  Little did I know that soon down the road I would be cutting back on what I loved to do and moving on to something better.  Don't get me wrong, CWS still handles all of the above mentioned, but we are more focused on the Internet Marketing aspect these days.  That's where you guys (the readers) come into play.  I wanted to develop a blog that speaks the truth and assist people in their own ventures.  I have been my own boss now for over three years.  I make insane amounts of money.  I live the life that I want to live, and I do it all from my house, sitting in my boxers.  Wouldn't you enjoy a life like that?  Spending time with your family whenever you wanted?  Not worrying about having to request a day off from that 9am-5pm job?  There are numerous ways online to generate a strong steady income.  I want to be blunt, to the point, and show my readers what works and what to stay away from.

Before you guys get all excited and think you are going to make millions in your first year.  Please take this time to slap yourself in your face and wake up a little bit.  That just doesn't happen.  No matter what those "Known" Internet Guru's promise you.  It takes hard work and determination to make it happen.  I had that covered because that's the life I wanted and I did everything in my power to make it happen.  Even if you don't want to make this a full time job and just want to make some extra money on the side, it is totally possible.

Before I get too off track, lets get back to me!  I currently reside in the Pittsburgh area and love it here.  Even with all the money I have made, I wouldn't just get up and move.  My family and friends are here and this is where I plan on staying.  When I first got into this business, I had to self teach my way through it.  I hope to help you guys through the tough parts and with the numerous Webinars I intend on doing you should be able to get a strong sense of what you are in fact getting yourself into.  I still remember making my first sale and how excited I was.  Then a day had gone by, then another day, then a week, then a week and half before I made my next sell.  It was a slow start but now I have generated strong income every single day.  I hope you guys will follow this blog and use the information I will provide.  The products that I will promote are products that I have used myself and have actually helped me in the long run.  You can put your trust in me as I will also do a few product reviews on stuff that you will want to stay away from.  It is very hard to put trust into someone you have never met or know anything about.  I understand this, but in time I will have hoped to change your mind about me.  I'm not just some "salesmen" that's going to be ramming products down your throat just so I, myself can gain from it.  I am a very caring person, and I have been scammed many times myself.  I know how it feels, and that's why I wanted to put this blog together to show the right things and the right way of doing things.  Being in Pre-Hospital Care for over 7 years has made me that caring person.  Instead of actually taking care of people and looking out for there well being in that kind of sense, Now I want to be that caring person that looks out for your well being and your wallet!  As I stated, I'm not one of those well known internet guru's that just want your money.  Most of them won't even show their faces and go by alias, just so people can't track them down.  I have nothing to hide.  I have published all my social media pages on the front of this blog.  If you ever have a question or concern, I will always be there for you. Friend me on Facebook or Google+, Subscribe to my Twitter, and even toss me an Email.  Like I said, I have nothing to hide.  I hope this blog will teach people "How to Change Their Lives"

Thanks for taking the time to take a small peek into who I am