Time frame from start of learning affiliate marketing to getting your first site operational can vary to person from person. Some people learn a lot faster then others, and some take a little bit more time. I know you are eager to start earning, but you have tons of work to do before you start to see income.
As a new online marketing business person, expectations can run unbelievably high. You have read all the offers ‘start making money within 15 minutes of reading this e-book’ or ‘How to make $300 every day’ You know the adverts I mean. And you have probably bought some of these products only to find IT IS ALL HYPE!!! There are some good products out there, but most are slapped together so fast that the owners only care about making money off you and I. Don’t despair. Affiliate marketing does definitely work. You just have to give it time, like I have said numerous times before in this blog. If you don't have the time nor the determination. You will fail. Simple as that.
First off establish a time frame within which you want to start making money with your affiliate marketing business. Be realistic. 10 Days is not realistic. Obviously this time frame will be affected by how quickly you assimilate facts and how much time you have to spend developing your projects. If you drive yourself 100% then it will take a lot less time then someone that has a full time job, family, etc. I think for the average person, 3 months is not too lofty a time frame to start earning some sort of income. Weather it is small or large. Even if you can devote all your time to your new business. It will still be around 2-3 Months. This process, as I mentioned, can take even longer. If you can't invest at least 4-5 hours a day, then prepare for around 4-5 months of hard work before you see some sort of income.
A Basic run down for a schedule should be as follows. Remember to write down your goals and also make your own schedule.
Month 1:
1) Get one good e-book on affiliate marketing and study it thoroughly. COVER TO COVER.
or find a product that will help you along the way. Remember, I will do product reviews every Tuesday. I will only promote products that I have used myself, and will help you with your business.
2) Search online for free information that compliments what you have learned in the ebook or product you have purchased. Research is a huge factor is everything you will be doing. The internet is a vast place. There are numerous resources out there for you to take advantage of.
Month 2:
1) Find your niche. Most advanced marketers, such as myself, have numerous niches. When you first start out you will just want to put all your time and effort into one. Once you can become familiar with how things work, you can start doing several. I will have a few articles on Niches in the future weeks.
2) Find a good product in your niche. Once you have picked your niche (Such as healthcare, fiance, sports) You will want to find a good strong product to promote. We will go over how to pick a product in future articles as well.
3) Research your keywords! Can't express this enough. You target keywords are very important. You don't want something that everyone is using, however you want keywords that people will indeed search. Future articles are coming on Keyword selection and what is best to use and stay away from.
4) Build your site. The next article on next Monday we will get into websites and how important they are. You will want a good strong website to promote the product.
A) Publish your site [get decent hosting ] After your website is built, publish it, get it running. There are numerous hosting companies out there. In next weeks article I will show you the best options available to you.
5) Register with search engines, directories. I plan on having a few articles on SEO and driving traffic to your website. This is very important. You will need to rank high on search engines, otherwise no one will find your site and you will be lost in pages of other sites that are out-ranking yours. So they will be making money, and you will be left in the dust!
Month 3:
1) Advertise your site with free classifieds. There are countless ways to advertise your site for free. You can even pay for advertising if you wish. We will discuss advertising down the road. Social Media, Ad's, Etc.
2) Check ranking! By month 3, you should slowly see that your site is rising in the rankings. Your goal is to get that number 1 spot, or at least page 1.
3) Tweak your site. Change your site every once in awhile to keep it fresh. Attract new users and also give your current visitors something new to look at.
4) Submit articles, write in forums, blogs. You will want to get your site all over the internet. Find forums or blogs on your related niche topic and become part of the discussion. Don't spam though. Actually take an interest in what people are saying and interact with them. Promote your site. Get traffic. Get sales.
Overall, this is just a very small basic schedule that you will want to set up. There are numerous other things that you will want to add in. We will go further into this discussion down the road in future articles.
How to Change your Life, Entrepreneur, Make Money Online, Fast Cash, Online Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Grow Your Business, Business, Business Start Ups, Fast Money, Quick Ways to Make Money Online, Online Money, Make 6 Figures in a Year, How to Make Money Online, Social Media Marketing, Make Money with Twitter, Make Money with Facebook, Work from Home, Change Your Life,Quick Cash, Quick Money
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