As promised, I told you guys that I would not only do product reviews on products that I use and that I have bought and would recommend, but also do product reviews on some products you will want to stay away from. Today is one of those days were we will look at a product that is very sub-par and that you should really shouldn't purchase.
The Millionaire Society is a program designed to show you how to flip domains names and drive unlimited traffic to your sites. The price tag use to be pretty heavy at around $400, plus a $47/month VIP membership option. I see now the price has dropped to $97. When I first purchased this product I was excited to get started and to drive traffic to my numerous websites.
There are a total of seven modules and tons of videos in the program. All the information was pretty decent and the videos were high quality. However, the downfall was that most of the information provided wasn't anything that you couldn't already find by yourself by doing research.
Domain Flipping by Millionaire Society is a good guide on how to flip domain names but this is not for everyone, just like every product out there. My first piece advice is don't waste your time watching the video on their sales page. It is a waste of time hearing another rags to riches story. If you want to feel all warm and better about how things can turn around if you are in a tight spot... then you definitely should not watch it and just get to work!
If you are new to Internet marketing or online business then it will be very hard for you to make any money for the first 6 months to year. You will need to put in a lot of time watching domain auctions, selling some small domains, and spending time with other work to make some money while you get a good grasp of domain values. If you try to go beyond making $1000 to $3000 per month and try to get into the bigger stuff without a good understanding of domain values then you can lose a lot of money fast.
If you feel you have a good grasp of domain values but you have not taken the time to get into domain flipping then you can use this guide to pick up a few pointers to get you started making decent money flipping domains.
Overall domain flipping is something I would not recommend doing full time but if you don't have a solid understanding of domain values then you will need to put a lot of time in before you can make good money at this. You will need to decide if you can put the extra time into learning this. Once you have a good understanding of domain flipping then I would not spend more than 1 day a week plus maybe 30 minutes a day keeping up with it. This is something I would do on the side. I have a good sense of domain value and I buy a lot of domains anyways so I was able to pick up enough information that I will be able to turn many of my inactive domains into some good money and maybe spend 15 minutes a day seeing if I can pick up any good names to flip. Trying to concentrate on just this as your main way to make money can be very inefficient. This is something you could learn so you can do it on the side as you use other business models to make money online.
We will also look at the over all sales/squeeze page of the page itself. Even if you aren't interested in buying the product, you still might want to market it for others. I myself, do not promote this product due to the fact that I have used it, didn't like it, and refuse to promote something that wasn't useful to myself or overs. The video is pretty basic and he uses the normal sales pitch. No real information. The page over all is pretty weak with information. When I go to buy a product I want to see a good strong video and decent facts about your program. So when you look at this as a marketer, you know you won't make a lot of sales on it.
In closing, Mack Michaels has a made a few products over the past few years (since 2009) Make sure to do your own research before buying any products. They are rather lacking.
If you want to take a look at one of the Millionaire Society Products - Here is the latest one for Traffic Generation
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